Insurance Resources Technology Centre

Technology Centre

The ENVIRO technology centre is designed to provide you with the latest information regarding technology in the market place.

We have a fully functional communication network through our cloud based scheduling program. We can receive and dispatch information to our technicians immediately via smart devices.

Our Ecommerce platform allows job documentation, detailed billing, high-res photographs/videos and other important information to be electronically managed, communicated and stored in a cloud database.

With regular site checks and monitoring, all detail regarding your claim are managed within our cloud based reporting system and available upon billing (Hard or Electronic copy).

ENVIRO understand the importance of transparency when managing an insurance claim and will deal directly with the appointed loss adjuster and/or insurance claims handler.

Generated Power Use Reports (Power Used By Restoration Equipment)

Onsite Live Streaming Video Reporting (via Skype, Messenger or Facetime)

Thermal Imaging Moisture Detection Reporting